Playa Pelicano

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Playa Pelicano - Guanacaste, Costa Rica

The first international project in the portfolio, Meriwether applied decades of experience and relationships to effectuate a positive outcome for Playa Pelicano.

Meriwether was engaged by the Lehman Brothers Estate in 2014 to oversee all aspects of Playa Pelicano, located in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Playa Pelicano is a 600 acre master plan previously envisioned for a Canyon Ranch Resort. Under its management, Meriwether focused on mitigating previous environmental issues as well as developing a viable business plan for a future disposition. Meriwether successfully completed the assignment with the disposition of the property to an international developer in 2016.

Property Details

Type: 687-acre master plan resort
Status: Complete, Past Project
Engagement: Sponsor
“Amongst the best pieces of property in Costa Rica, we are honored to have the opportunity to develop a solution that benefits our client as well as the local community.”
Garrett Simon
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